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With the cost of everything seemingly on the rise, and the market perpetually plummeting into the dumpster, folks are left searching for deals on food, clothes, and even airfare. While looking through search results, message boards, and your mom's trapper keeper can leave you wondering where all of the good coupons/promo codes for airfare have gone, I have amassed a list of websites that offer promotional codes for specific airlines, travel websites, hotels, etc. I have not tested the codes listed on the following websites. Some of the websites list deals that don't need codes, aka nifty way of advertising. Also, a lot of these sites offer the same codes, but it never hurts to cruise through them all just to be sure you're not missing one before you book a trip you could have saved some cash on. In the future maybe I'll sift through the endless stack of codes to see which ones work, which sites offer the best codes, and which are consistently the most reliable. But for now, you get a list.

http://www.traveldealsdiscounts.com/ -
Not sure about this one.
http://www.coupons-coupon-codes.com/ -
Only has a few airfare sites
http://www.couponsdealspromos.com/ -
Looks a bit hard to follow
http://www.couponmountain.com/coupon-codes--se-airfare.html -
Not very 'deal-packed'

This list is really just a beginning, as there seems to be a large supply of cruddy sites, and a few sites that seem to have their act together.